Alliances and Barony Agreements

Illusions of Innocence Leader:Maxwell Joseph Enter the Illusion
Recruit Inn
Recruit Hall
Recruit Bar
Recruit Crypt
Tavern of Innocence
Tavern of Illusions
Spar 'n Bar
WANTED For treason to the crown and theft from Her Majesty. THE FOLLOWING BOUNTY SET AT:100,000 gold barsAuthorized: Cecil Williams IX, Her Majesty's Personal Secretary, Head of Parliament and Head of House of LordsPlease note that Legend Iliardo now has an alias as well as being linked to another former member of this Kingdom. His can be recognized as both [Sn- X2Soul and Sn X2legend ] and the other is a goblin of sorts that harboured in Her Majesty's walls. [ Sn-GorkBotGork ]. Both are now wanted for plans to overthrow her Majesty. Listed below are his places of abode as well as his own identity. It is asked that all persons take great care when dealing with these two rogues. [ LOG EVERYTHING. ] Rogue Demon Hunters Leader:Legend Iliardo
RDH Fort
RDH Spar Arena
RDH Tavern
RDH Training Room
RDH Tournament Grounds
RDH Mage Tower
RDH Barracks
RDH Rhydin Weapon Shop
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