KAoN Enhancers

The KAoN Forum has many types of enhancers. Each can make an opponenet very powerful and deadly. Please make sure that ALL of your enhancers are registered with The KAoN Forum by contacting the KAoN Forum Minister of Weapons. They will then be added to the KAoN Forum Registered Weapons Record Books. If your own weapons are NOT registered in the database, they are NOT leagal in our forum.
Attack Enhancers~
The letter "A" is used to represent attack enhancers. Attack enhancers ass to the strength of the dice roll. For example, I hit my opponent with +10A sword "Eladriel", and rolls a 24 point roll, the total enhanced damage against my adversary is 34. (Which is 24+10=34 damage). Attack enhancers may come in a range of +1-+10, though it is my recommendation you as GM's make sure your people are trained to use them. We dont need rogues carrying such power. Attack enhancers are sometimes referred to as "-D" enhancers since they subtract from the defense of your adversary. In most cases, we will refer to them as "+A" enhancers.
Defense Enhancers~
The letter "D" is used to represent defense enhancers. Defense enhancers subtract from any damage that your opponent rolls against you. For example, I hit my adversary and my adversary uses his + 10 D shield. I roll a 24 pt roll and this the total damage against my adversary is 24- 10=14 . Defense enhancers are sometimes referred to as -1A,-2A, or -3A since they are subtracted from your opponents attack against you, but to keep things simple , we shall refer to them as "+D"instead of "-A". Again, as these make one more powerful, I suggest you make them earn the enhancers. Perhaps, not only do they have to be able to afford them, but they have to be at the proper rank.
Perception Enhancers~
The letter "P" is used to represent preception enhancers. Perception enhancers increase awareness of an impending forceful attack such as an AA or an MAA. Perception enhancers come from +1 to +2 strength for all Mortals, +3 Elves, gnomes and dwarves, and +5 for all dragons(and other airborne creatuures). They are used in addition to a targets TOTAL 2d20 perception roll. However in order to use the full two points of a +2 perception enhanver , the target must roll a total of at least 1 point during his 2d20 perception roll. Please review the Assassin's Guide for examples of how perception enhancers are used. Perception enhancers are sometimes referred to as "-S" because they deduct from the stealthing abiity of the attacker. However, we will refer to them as "+P" enhancers.
Stealth Enhancers~
The letter "S" is used to represent these types of enhancers. Stealth enhancers come in +1 or +2 Stealth enhancers are used to increase an assassin's ability to remain unnoticed by his/her target or any wittnesses. There is no roll necessary to use these enhancers. Merely roleplaying using one is enough to automatically give an assassin a +2 point advantage over the target's perception roll. For example, if a target rolls a 2 total pts in a 2d20 roll, and the assassin is using is +2S Magically enhanced twilite cloak, then it cancels the 2 points of perception of the tarter and the assassin goes unnoticed as he procees with his AA. These enhancers are sometimes refered to as "-P" because the subract from the perception of the targer. However, we shall generally refer to them as "+S".
KAoN Weapons Registry
Arabella Alina Cadell
- Cross bow with a +3 sight.
- Sword of Elven lore +3
- Cloak of Invisibility - 3
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