KAoN Registration & Application Forms

Application for Barony
You must meet the following criteria in order to apply for a barony. If you do not, please do not apply.
- You must be of noble blood or lineage. [ Proof a must. ]
- Your barony must have a coat of arms.
- You must possess two Orders of Military.
- Each Orders, must have 2 full legions.
- Each Legion must contain at least: One Legion Commander, One General, One Colonel, Two Majors, Two Captains, Three Lieutenants, Three Sergeants, and Three Privates.
- You must have at least ten settled families.
- Each family must have a business. [ Must be listed. ]
- You must bear the Flag of Nuldar.
[ OOC: Requirements ]
- You must have an RP profile and web site.
- All in the barony must have at least an RP profile.
- The citizens must have a room link for business, as well as a web site, cost sheets, descriptions of layouts, and so forth. These must be listed on the main kingdom web or are not considered valid.
- Barony Name-
- Barony Acronym-
- Baron-
- Town Concil-
- Mayor-
- Legal Advisors-
- Town Census [ Rosters ]-
- Alignment-
- Town Location-
- Town Goals-
- Tenure of Town-
- Referal Name to this kingdom-
Her Majesty's Privy Concil
Wanderer Application [ Freelance ]
- Name-
- List of Memberships-
- (List of dice and xps)
- How long have you been in the realms?
- What is your purpose?
- Race-
- Alignment-
- Who recruited you?
- History in Brevity-
Her Majesty's Privy Council
Elite Registration&Application
- Name-
- Race-
- Alignment-
- Guild and Forum Memberships [ List, Date, SN(s}]-
- (Dice and Xps)
- Do you know how to perform a legal KAoN AA?
- If so, please attach logs with application.
- Referred by-
Master of Elites For Her Majesty
Mage Registration
- Name-
- Race-
- Alignment-
- Guild & Forum Memberships [ List, Date, SN(s)]-
- (Dice and XPS)
- Types of Magic Practiced-
- Attach Mock logs-
- Referred by-
Arch Mage
Clergical Registration
- Name-
- Faith-
- Alignment-
- Location of Church-
- Guild & Forums-
- (Dice & XPS)
- Attach Mock Rezz Logs-
- Referred By-
Church Council
Healer Registration
- Name-
- Type of Healer-
- Guild & Forum Memberships[ List, Date, Sn(s)]-
- (Dice and XPS)-
- Alignment-
- Race-
- Attach mock healing logs-
- Referred By-
Healers Coven
Shop Registration
- Name-
- Name of Shop-
- Location of Shop[AOL Room Link]-
- Type of Industry-
- Tenure of Shop-
- Portfolio [ Web link, a must have. ]-
- Are you familiar with KAoN's policies on running an establishment?
- Referred By-
Establishment Registry
Weapon's Registration
Please note that all weapons must be registered with this kingdom. Her Majesty will assign two divisions. One that suffices within Scotland and one within other realms. [ Simply stated: You get enhancers to use whilst on KAoN property and those to use in such places as Rhy'Din. Yes yes, we all know how temperamental dicers in Rhy'Din go, so for now, we can humor them.]
Weapons Registry