Healers Coven of Nuldar

Welcome to the Healers Coven of Nuldar. We recognize all forms of healing, from traditional to magical. We only ask you follow a few rules in order to maintain ethics in this practice.
Healers ChartsPlease remember to see awards chart for other XPS.
Healing of ailments, 1d30(25+)
Healing of major wounds, 1d30(25+)
Rezz, 1d30 (25+)
Fertility, 1d30 (25+)
Deliveraries are worth 100 xps per child
Maternal Care are worth 50 xps per visit
Traditional Medicinal Visits are worth 25 xps
Herbalist visits are worth 30 xps per mixture
Massage/therapy and the lot are worth 35 xps per visit
Eastern Medicinal are worth 35 xps per visit
Healer Fees
Though we do not set fees for other guilds, here is a guide in which you may feel free to use. Although one would not want to say, pay first and then I shall rezz you, if you are in need of a rezz you may wish to sincerely thank them for it in your own manner.
However, with more day to day functions such as maternal visits, potions, etc, there should be a bit of compensation. Not only does this take time but effort on part of the Healer.
- Maternal Visits, 100 gps per visit
- Herbs, potions, etc. , 10-35 gps depending upon the strength
- Massage/Therapy, 75 gps per visit
- Traditional Visits, 50-75 gps depending upon what is done
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