KAoN Mages

We welcome you to the mystic realms of the Knights ALliance of Nuldar mages. We have taken the time to outline to you the basics, but more information and study can be received from the Arch Mage Sir Henkula Savernu.
A mage is a very valuable entity in any guild or forum. They not only can heal and rezz, they can assist with battle. Placing short term stealth on those who are assassins, helping immesely in both defensive and offensive manuevers. As stated, training will not be regulated as much as the use of such mages.
( OOC- For purposes that I cannot possibly state IC, I shall state here. Most of us have played such games as WarCraft, etc. We, who have not used cheat codes, know that each mage has a power charge. Each regarding years of training, down time, etc. With such abilities comes a reality that should be called for. Otherwise, we would have god-like mages running around the realms never having a weak spot. And I think I speak for all forum leaders, there are quite enough of those. So, Listed below is a chart, an example of rule of thumb for those who hold a mages rank. I expect guilds to adapt such rules to their own needs, but do be careful to follow. For if I see mass mages running about whipping out power, you will be let go as a guild)
Mages Code
- No mage shall do evil unto others lest he wish to break the mages code all over the realms.
- All mages must start with no less then 1000 charge time which must be stated in their life scroll.
- For each magical use the mage is to subtract the ranks from his total charge. (If you gain 200 xps for a heal, you subtract that amount from your total charge. If you summon, you subtract the pts rolled from your charge. Ex: Summons a cup of tea, roll is 15 out 30, then you subtract 15.)
- The only way to recharge is with spars for such purposes. (You must spar and title the spar as such. Ex: Mage Strength Generation) Each spar is to be hand to hand and with a Master mage or teacher.
- Anyone caught not tracking such information or misusing his power will loose all his magical abilities for a period no less then 2 weeks but no longer then 8 weeks depending up the offense.
Mages Power/Charge List
- d30 to d33 must charge 1000
- d34-d39 must charge 2000
- d40-d45 must charge 3000
- d46-d49 must charge 3500
- d50-d59 must charge 4000
- d60-d69 must charge 4500
- d70-d75 must chage 5000
- d76-d80 must charge 5500
- d85-d90 must charge 6000
- d91-d95 must charge 7000
- d96 must charge 8000
- d97 must charge 8500
- d98 must charge 9000
- d99 must charge 9500
- d100 must charge 10,000
Mages Hit Chart
- Heal 1d30 25+ 100 xps
- Rezz 1d30 25+ 200 xps.
- Stealth Spells 1d30 25+ Last for 30 mins rp time.
- Enhancer spells 1d30 will give a plus enhancement of the roll count.
Arch Mage Henkula Demana Savernu
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