KAoN Proctors

Here are the KAoN Forum rules of logging. Log all matches and keep them for evidence. Don't expect everyone to log something for you. Start your own log as soon as you engage in an argument or start negotiations for terms. alliances, etc. You need to have proof. If you have no proof, then you won't have any evidence to back you up on your words. We would not be able to help you under any circumstances without proof. If anyone is found doctoring a log or writing up false logs you will immediately exiled from the forum. If you do not know how to log please feel free to email me or any member of the KAoN Forum High Council and we can refer to someone or if have time, help you personally.
Warning- IF the logs are not sent in as stated they should be, your log will be deleted and no points awarded and they will not count toward your other awards.
- Log Headings-
- The following is an example of how all logs no matter which kind are to be done. This is to go inside your mail portion when you send them in. As this is an ooc thing let me be clear. Any logs being sent into this forum with no subject or inappropriate subject heading shall be deleted. We will not take the time to read through countless logs to dtermine which is which. Also, any containing no heading within the email shall be deleted as well even if stated so in subject. You must do both to gain your xps or you shall not have any. Three errors in sending in a log and your guild will be immeadiately dismissed from this forum.
- LoSW Spar
- Tournament Match
- December
- 12-3-00 10:45 PM Central
- Lady Catriona O'Rogan (4d95)
- vs
- Henkula Demana Savernu (2d38)
- Proctor/Record Keeper- Lady Catriona O'Rogan LoSW
- Terms-Joust, (Set 1d20 dice)
- You shall use this format for all logs sent into this forum. Thus changing only the type of match or log. Ex: Is it a healing, rezz, etc.
- Unlike most forums, we take proctoring very seriously. The way you proctor will determine the legitimacy of the match. Everything must be as close to perfect as possible. All proctors in the KAoN Forum will receive a special identification number that will certify them to proctor matches so that they will be able to receive xps for their work. Please look over the following to get an idea of the things you will need to know in order to become a proctor.
- Technical Information:
- You must know how to log
- You must have an KAoN Forum ID# for proctoring
- You must include the following on the log
- Open a log (ex: Log On)
- Proctored by XXXXX, ID# XXXX
- Time & Date
- State combatants Name/Guild/Forum (dice) ((Include sns))
- Have combatants state reg #'s if relevant
- Type of match
- Roll inits.
- Roll 1d100 for mass spar inits
- Roll 1d6 for all other spars between two combatants.
- State Terms: Terms for various types of spars are as follows:
- Regular Spar Terms (Scores posted at end of each round)
- State the dice that will be used to what damage the spar will be fought.
- Will enhancers be allowed? If so, have the combatants state their enhancers and their enhancer registration numbers.
- Will self healings, fatal throws, sex attacks, dismemberment's, and honor strikes be allowed?
- State any other special items if applicable
- Death Match Terms
- ( scores are posted at the end of each rund and fought to 150 HPs)
- State VALID reason for the DM
- State whether or not rezz will be allowed
- State which forums the DM will include
- Have combatants state their names, forums, and dice.
- Have witnesses state their names, forums and who they are witnessing for. Only one witness per combatant is allowed. So there will be a total of five people in the DM arena which will be the 2 combatants,,2 Witnesses, and one certified proctor.
- State which dice will be used by the combatants and to what damage (Ex: guild dice to 150). DMs are fought to at LEAST 150 unless the dice are at or below d30, in which case the DM may be fought to 20 or to the proctor's and/or combatant's discretion.
- Will enhancers be allowed? If so, have the combatants state their enhancers and their enhancer registration numbers.
- State who the FS (First strike) and who has HS (honor strike)
- Will self healings , fatal throws, sex attacks, and dismemberment's be allowed.
- State any other special terms here.
- Ask each combatant if they agree with these terms. You must get a VERBAL response.
- Slave Match Terms:
- (Score posted at the end of each round)
- State which dice will be used by the combatants and to what damage (Ex: guild dice to 150)
- Will enhancers be allowed? If so, have the combatants state their enhancers and their enhancer registration numbers.
- State the length of the servitude
- Will self healings, fatal throws, sex attacks, dismemberment's, and honor strikes be allowed?
- State any other special terms if applicable.
- Honor Matches Terms:
- (score posted at the end of each round)
- State who's honor is in question and the circumstances surround it.
- This must be a valid offense of someone's honor. DO NOT PROCTOR HMs WHO'S REASONING IS 'HE CALLED ME A NAME" OR THINGS ALONG THOSE LINES.
- State the conditions of the outcome of the HM (Ex: If A wins then B must drop his declaration of war).
- State which dice will be used by the combatants and to what damage (ex: Guild to 150)
- Will enhancers be allowed? If so, have the combatants state their enhancers and their enhancer registration numbers
- Will self healings, fatal throws, sex attacks, dismemberment's, and honor strikes be allowed?
- State any other terms if applicable.
- Release Match Terms:
- (Score posted at the end of each round)
- State the name (SN) of the slave that will be set free by this spar.
- State the dice that will be used if not set dice. Rms must be fought to at least 40 unless combatants are d30 or below, in which case it must be fought to 20 or at the discretion of the combatants and/or proctor.
- Will enhancers be allowed? If so, have the combatants state their enhancers and their enhancer registration numbers
- Will self healings, fatal throws, sex attacks, dismemberment's, and honor strikes be allowed?
- State any other terms if applicable.
- Mass Spar Terms:
- (score posted at the end of each round)
- State the names (sns) and order (after calculating the ints) of each combatant along with their damage levels (Ex; A 0/40)
- Will this be a Standard Mass Spar? If not, the terms are up to the discretion of the combatants and the proctor.
- At the end of the spar, state the name of the victor (Ex: Victor is A)
- Tally the points (Ex: Spar is worth 200 xps )
- Close your log (Ex: Log Off )
- Send a copy (Cut and paste, NO DOWNLOADS) to EACH person (Combatants, proctors, and/or witnesses) to EVERYONE that was directly involved in the spar. ANYONE FOUND NOT DOING THIS WILL BE IMMEADIATELY DISMISSED FROM THIS FORUM.
Here's how you find the point spread. Take the final score of the match and subtract the lower score from the higher score and that will give you the point spread.
Point Spread
Experience Points
- Spars Proctoring regular spars earn certified proctors 100 xps
- HMs, RMs & SMs Certified proctors will earn 300 xps for proctoring these types of matches.
- DMs Proctoring these types of matches, without mistakes, will earn a certified proctor 500 xps
- Mass Spars Proctoring mass spars will earn certified proctors 50 X the number of combatants in xps.
Individual XPS
- Spars earn the winner 2 x the point spread.
- Mass Spars earn the winner # of combatants x the point spread.
- RM/SM Earn nothing for you are given your consequence for them or your reward.
- HM earn nothing.
- DM earn you 500 xps if you survive and they are done to save the kingdom.
KAoN Certified Proctors
- Arabella Alina Cadell-PN005
- Sir Ajora Bellicose-PN010
- Chancellor Davion Matrix-PN025
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