KAoN Spies

"From the mists they came, silent, unfeeling, unnoticed and to the mists they returned unnoticed"
Everyone should know that spies are vital members of any guild or organization. Through their stealth, awareness and observations they can extract important information about "The Enemy" and even in the process kill off anyone who suspects them, leaving no trace.
To get an idea on just HOW Spies are, one has to look at the Mun World and to the United States system of FBI/CIA and Special Operatives. Spies have been used almost since the beginning of our country. Some, such as Benedict Arnold betrayed the country for that life. Those here will be treated much the same as he. Then, you have others who risked life and limb in many of our wars. You may wish to study up on The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, WWI and WWII to see just how spies were used. Do not forget to also look at the enemy tactics. Though we broke the codes the Germans and the Japanese had a very good system of code.
Now, with the recent movies "Mission Impossible," "The Saint" and "Mission Impossible 2" one can get a good idea of how the fantasy spy works. It is your job to be the best you can be. To go into a spy work requires dedication and sacrifice and above all DECRETION. Spies do not walk around telling people "Hey, I'm a spy." I have seen it occur in rooms. Ex: Spy walks in:: Remember, you are an elite force in these realms. I suggest each of you have one or two disguises at least if not more. (By this I mean new sn's.) Here in the KAoN forum we take our spies very seriously. We will list a few procedures and suggestions below for you as leaders to follow as well as your spies.
Helpful Hints and Tips:
Be more than you appear to be. Create an atmosphere with the one you are spying on to gain his confidence, one that would appeal to him.
Always try to gain friendship with the Grand Commander without raising caution.
If you are unable, using a dummy SN to entice guild members to give you the roster for GPS, join the guild yourself.
If the success of your mission is vital for your guild, when you have joined your target, recruit some more of your fellow spies. That way if one of you is discovered you still have men sending back information.
Delete your guild name from your profile when going on a mission and simply replace them with the forum.
Awards (Xp's and Gp's):
Provided is a list of standard GPS and XPS awarded for spy work, however so long as your Guild has enough spare GPS they may issue extra bonus fees.
For sending a roster in you will earn 10 x (member count) in XPS and 5 x (Member Count) in GPS
For logs of targets that have been requested by your GC you can earn between 100XPS and 25 GPS per log that your GC decides is useful.
Guild Newsletters and other mail sent out by DC's or HC members will earn you anywhere from 250 XPS and 50 GPS to 500 XPS and 125 GPS. Again, exact amount depends upon the documents importance.
For XP's and GP's for assassinating targets please see the Assassins Charter.