KAoN Minister of War

War Charter
DMs - 150 points to your guild per kill.
MDMs - 200 points to your guild per kill
POWs - 50 points to your guild per capture
AAs - 75 points to your guild per kill
MAAs - 100 points to your guild per kill
RMs - 100 points to your guild per win/release
Healing - 200 points to your guild per healing
Rezz - 200 points to your guild if done by one person, 100 if done by two persons. (Note as it is stressful for only one to do a rezz, they will not be able to do more then two rezzes per day. If two are used they may perform 4 rzzes per day )
DM- A death match fought in a war is fought very much like a spar. The only difference is that there is no proctor and the loser is dead or must obtain a rezz. In a mock war there is no dead. You just must sit out the remainder of the mock war. The only stipulation in war is there may not be a 15 pt spread in dice. You must challenge within your dice parameters of no more then a 10 pt spread.
MDM- A mass death match retains the same rules as the standard DM. However , if is fought with more than 2 opponents. A max. of three people per side is allowed in and MDM. Each MDM is fought by one group of people from each of the two guilds. Either side may challenge. he 15 side difference is also in effect during these matches. Total hit points to be reached are 300.
Prisoner of War (POW)
In a time of war the capturing of the enemy for battle plans, stolen maps, and/or information proves useful. These are fought like slave matches in a sense. Each match is fought to 150 using guild dice. The loser of the match can make NO attack until he or she is freed and must give the person that enslaved them at least ONE item per day of importance such as war plans, battle strategies, or documents from the guild in which they belong to. Release matches may be fought 24 hours after the imprisonment. If the prisoner wins the RM, they gain 100 points to their guild for escaping. If the RM is lost, another 24 hours must pass before they can RM again. POWs must list "POW" in their profiles and can't be captured by anyone else until their imprisonment is resolved. The person who captured the POW must list in his/her profile the SN of the warrior he has captured in his war status. For example, a warrior that has not used any rezzes and who has captured 2 of the enemies would have a war status like this:
War Status: 0/5
Prisoners~ XvPOWvX
There must be at least one guard for every 5 prisoners. This means that if you have five prisoners you can take NO more unless you have another guard assigned to help watch over them. If there are more than 5 prisoners the overflow may escape. While overseeing the prisoner, a guard may not engage in any battles other than release matches which can be fought in accordance with the 24 hour rule. ((The guards don't always have to be online at the same time as the Prisoners. This rule is basically to keep ONE person from capturing an entire guild and getting away with it, which we all know is fairly unrealistic ))
For a prisoner of war match, the exp will be 10 exp to the winner. The loser gains nothing and is a prisoner of war for the point spread of days (example score is 4 to 5, the point spread would be 1 so the person would be a POW for 1 day) or till the war ends, which ever comes sooner.
Assassination Attempts (AA)
Anyone can do an AA during a war. For the duration of the war ONLY you will NOT need a contract to do an AA. Anyone can AA any other person from the opposing guild at ANY time. You MUST accept the AA. Running will NOT be tolerated. If your presented with an AA, hold still and get it over with. You'll be rezzed as soon as its over. Anyone running from a wartime AA will be responsible for their own guild losing 100 points. If you don't want to be bothered at the moment or are busy doing something, go to a PR.
Healing and Rezzes
Anyone may perform the job of a healer during war by helping to aid their wounded but must still follow the Healer Charter Rules for success. However, only actually KAoN registered Priests/Priestess/Mages/Healers may assist or perform a resurrection. Enemies can heal and rezz each other during wartime, but keep in mind, it is the guild who actually performs the healing/rezz that will receive credit. During a war, each warrior still has 5 rezzes available unless otherwise stated in the DOW.
Rematches are fought by POWs to obtain freedom. They can be fought by other guild members, or the prisoners themselves after 24 hours of imprisonment, and once every 24 hours thereafter PER person. This means that if it is known that the warrior was captured, his/her guild can send as many warriors as they have to rematch the guard, but only one person per 24 hours. If the warrior looses the RM, he/she becomes a prisoner to the guard as well.
All logs are to be sent to the Dice Masters of BOTH guilds AND the KAoN Minister of War. Both sides will tally the scroes. This ensures a correct total. ANY matches not logged will NOT be counted period! NO exceptions!. The KAoN Minister of War has the final say in all matters. If the war is cross-forum (meaning the two combining guilds are in different forums). then the same applies only all logs will be sent to both Minister of War.
If you lose a DM or you are assassinated, you MUST be rezzed by a registered healer and priest/priestess from either side in order to continue fighting in the war. ALL Rezz's are worth points to the guild that the healer and priest/priestess belongs to no matter which side they healed. The total hit points needed for a rezz are 40,30,20, depending on character class. Once you're rezzed, and the LOG sent in, you can jump back into the war. However, you MUST keep your war status listed and up to date in your profile. If you are down two rezzes for example, your profile would look like this::
War Status 2:5
Of course, if you have used up all your rezzes , you war status would look like this:
War Status:Dead
If you are a prisoner of war, and are down four rezzes, you war status would look like this:
War Status: POW 4/5
The first guild to reach a set number of points will become the winner of the war, unless every member of that guild is dead. In this instance, the guild left standing will be pronounced the victor.
At the end of the war when all the logs have been turned in and tallied, the winner will be decided. Each guild will decided who its most valuable players were and those persons with be given an extra award from the forum itself, which will include one of the specially enhancers for each side.
*All Declarations of War (DOWs) must be cleared and past by the President and Minister of War of this forum.*
For a war, First you must send a declaration of war to the forum president and Minister of War of the KAoN stating who you are declaring war on. They will discuss it in committee and decided if we shall back your guild on it. If we say no then you are not to war with that guild. If theye vote yes then you are to send the declaration to the guild leader of the guild you are planning of having war with. The guild you declare war on has 24 hours after they read the declaration to respond so you can set up your terms of war. The declaration of war must list your allies. ((Only the Guild Name need be there )). Your allies are to be given a copy of terms for your war when you receive them. As war is a large issue with many negative effects the experience is as follows. The terms are to be set in your declaration, # of POW's, AA's, DM's and so on. The points are set. All in war is to be played only to 10,000 pts. The winner will gain experience over all as a guild. Each member that signs the declaration for each guild to war and aide will gain 25 x # guilds + 25 x #of indv. work (POW,DM,AA). Example: Player A scores 25 x (2) + 25 x (5,5,10)= 550 exp. points. The loser will follow acceptable rules on DM's and any lives lost to AA. They have 24 hrs to provide rezz logs or will be considered in noncompliance. A word of caution. It is wise not to declare war on those within your forum, as they are the ones that will be coming to your aide against other forums. So think wisely before going against an IFG.
The mock war is an efficient and pleasant way to train and stay alert. They will follow all the rules as listed for a real war but are fought amongst guilds in this forum. Declaration of war must stated MOCK WAR in its heading or you will be dismissed for actions of war. The only part that differs from the above stated is the exp gained for such training. The player will score 10 x ( # of guilds) + 10 x (# of ind. work-POW, DM,AA)=Players exp. For Mock Wars forum issued artillery, weapons and such are all of non-damaging material. Meaning, if you die in a DM you do not actually die and you have no need to rezz nor to heal. You do however have to state that you are ghosting from a mock war until such war is won. If you are caught in noncompliance you will loose your rank and immediately be reduced in dice and experience. Simply put, you may sign on, speak ooc in IM's but you may not enter any rooms of a role-play nature.
KAoN Declaration of War Application
Guild Name
Guild acronym
Guild GC
Guild SiC
Guild TiC
Guild FiC
List the names of any guild HC's not already listed above
Number of warriors in your guild
List the name & acronym of the guild you will be engaging in war with
List the name & acronym of the guild(s) you will seeking aid from during the war
List the name of the GC of the guild you are proposing war with
Reason for the war
What will determine the end of the war (this can be discussed between all GC's involved. Examples would be "The first to reach 10,000 pts or the last guild standing"
List any special terms
Attach your most recent roster and send to the KAoN Minister of War
