Knights Alliance of Nuldar Awards

Awards for Recruiting
Royal Court
Gold Pin - For recruiting 10 new members
Silver Pin - For recruiting 20 new members
Copper Pin - For recruiting 30 new members
Agate Pin - For recruiting 50 new members
Medallion of the Elders - For recruiting 100 new members
Rod of Elderon For recruiting 200 new members
Order of the Celestial Abyss
Pearl Pin - For recruiting 10 new members
Ruby Pin - For recruiting 20 new members
Emerald Pin - For recruiting 30 new members
Diamond Pin- For recruiting 50 new members
Forrester Medallion For recruiting 100 new members
Celestial Star For recruiting 200 new members
Warrior's of the Dragon's Rage
Onyx Pin - For recruiting 10 new members
Bloodstone Pin - For recruiting 20 new members
Quartz Pin - For recruiting 30 new members
Jade Pin - For recruiting 50 new members
Draconian Medallion For recruiting 100 new members
Dragon's Breath Plaque For recruiting 200 new members
Citizens of Nuldar [ No matter where they are housed or work ]
Mother of Pearl Pin - For recruiting 10 new members
Topaz Pin - For recruiting 20 new members
Obsidian Pin - For recruiting 30 new members
Amethyst Pin - For recruiting 50 new members
Siul Medallion - For recruiting 100 new members
Circle of Vespers - For recruiting 200 new members
Sparring Awards-
Royal Court
Crystal Dagger - For winning 10 spars
Silver Daggers - For winning 40 spars
Golden Sword of Elandria - For winning 80 spars
Medallion of Solace -For winning 150 spars
Helmet of Valorian - For winning 300 spars
Shield of Nuldar - For winning 500 spars
Order of the Celestial Abyss
Crystal Dirk - For winning 10 spars
Silver Dirks - For winning 40 spars
Silver Claymore - For winning 80 spars
Golden Claymore -For winning 150 spars
Highlanders Sash of Valor - For winning 300 spars
Bagpipes of Loch Loran - For winning 500 spars
Warriors of the Dragon's Rage
Crystal Dagger - For winning 10 spars
Silver Daggers - For winning 40 spars
Golden Sword of Draconus - For winning 80 spars
Dragon's Breath Sword -For winning 150 spars
Helmet of Hades - For winning 300 spars
Shield of Dracos - For winning 500 spars
Citizens of Nuldar [ No matter where they are housed or work ]
Silver Dagger - For winning 10 spars
Golden Daggers - For winning 40 spars
Bronze Sword of Vespa - For winning 80 spars
Medallion of Syrania -For winning 150 spars
Axe of Thorandale - For winning 400 spars
Shield of Prometheus - For winning 500 spars
Monetary and Merit Awards
Spars & Mass Spars
15 x the point spread= XPS in a normal training spar
10 x # of people x High Dice= XPS in a mass spar
100 XPS is gained by each loser
100 XPS is gained for the person proctoring the match
50 x PS = XPS for all Death Matches
20 x PS = XPS for all Honor Matches
20 x PS = XPS for all Slave Matches and Release Matches
150 XPS gained for each new recruit admitted to the kingdom
Please note that this section is all OOC. IC the kingdom has no stakes in this. We have nothing listed below, as to our knowledge. We only have specially trained guard. Also, a note to those in the kingdom, all monetary sums are discussed on a case by case mission. Remember, nothing is done in the elites in the name of the kingdom. As well as, nothing is done period unless your character is given orders to do so. ~ Silence is Golden~ Thieves Merit
20 x # of members for stolen rosters
500 x # of gold stolen
Spies Merit
20 x # of members for stolen rosters
200 xps for recon missions
200 x # hours tracking [ must log ] The following is based on worth which is charted on a scale from one to five, with five being of absolute importance and one being worth nothing.
Letters, documents, conversations with flunkies 50 x w = xps
Letters, documents, conversations with SIC,TIC 150 x w = xps
Letters, documents, conversations with GC,HC,LC 500 x w = xps
Assassins MeritAssassinations of characters that freeform or Sim
100 xps for completing mission upon a non combative
500 xps for completeing mission upon a high ranking official
Assassinations of characters that use dice.
XPS = target's dice x number of hits rolledAll elites once trained will have access to these documents that are now classified.
Healers Coven
All daily duties such as house visits,etc = 50 xps
All minor healings = 100 xps
All major healings = 250 xps
A rezz done in conjunctions with a priest = 500 xps
A rezz done by oneself, if one holds both regs = 1000 xps
Clergical Duties
All daily duties such as house visits,confessions = 50 xps
All marriages,christenings = 100 xps
All last rites, funerals = 250 xps
All soul transfers and exorcisms = 300 xps
A rezz done in conjunctions with a healer = 500 xps
A rezz done by oneself, if one holds both regs = 1000 xps
This sheet is not limited to these awards and shall be updated regularly.