Knights Alliance of Treasuries

First Templar of Nuldar Bank President Sir Simon Templar This establishment is for the nobles and barons of the Her Majesty's kingdom as well as other nobles of bloodlines from other realms. For New Accounts you shall need to furnish the following:
50,000 in pounds to open
Proof of nobility
Letter of voucher if you are opening with other then pounds
Two letters of recommendationAccount Policies
Must maintain at least a min. balance of 10,000
Must use checks furnished by our establishment
One week wait to have funds exchanged into other tender
OOC Policies
You must send a copy of the check you are writing out to the person you are giving money to and to the the bank president for now.
NSF will be treated as they are in real life
Statements should not be disgarded
Nuldarian Mutual Bank President Sir Simon Templar This establishment is for the soldiers and citizens of the Her Majesty's kingdom as well as others from other realms. For New Accounts you shall need to furnish the following:
500 in pounds to open
Proof of wages
Letter of voucher if you are opening with other then pounds
Two letters of recommendationAccount Policies
Must maintain at least a min. balance of 500.00
Must use checks furnished by our establishment
One week wait to have funds exchanged into other tender
OOC Policies
You must send a copy of the check you are writing out to the person you are giving money to and to the the bank president for now.
NSF will be treated as they are in real life
Statements should not be disgarded Her Majesty's Royal MintAll establishments are backed by Her Majesty's Royal Mint. The mint is guarded twenty four hours by the highest means of security. [ As this is not in a public room not one theft may be attempted on it, unless in a preapproved sl with one of the kingdom players. ] Each banking establishment has no more funds in it, then twice the amount of its current clientel and is backed by Her Majesty's mint dollar for dollar. The current worth of Her Majesty, from decades of well saved funds from previous generations is approximately 3.5 billion dollars. As with any treasury department, quarterly statements shall be available as the kingdom grows to reflect incoming and outgoing expenditures. We shall not hide anything from our people. Though, if necessary in time of depression we shall authorize the making of money for circulation. [ Doubt that will happen though. ]