Resume and Service Record
This is merely a template to guide you in the process of putting your resume and service record together. By no means do I wish to see the subtitles included unless it pertains to Employment, etc. Be creative, correct and honest
Recruiter Information:
Her Majesty Arabella Alina Cadell [ the ceiestial ]
- Name:
- DOB:
- History:
- Strengths:
- Weakness:
- Optional and Information:
- Whom do you wish to be notified in case of an emergency:
Service Record
- Employers:
- Places Owned:
- Guilds:
- Skills:
- Equipment or Weapons knowledge:
- Ranks Held:
- Honors Earned:
(Please provide dates)
Please list at least 5 references of those you served with or under and a way to contact them. You may also have them send their reference letters directly into the Nuldarin High Court.
Thank you for taking the time to submit a thorough application packet and may the blessings of Siul be with you.
- Land Tenders [Farmers] - these citizens work the lands and sell their foods
- Beast Tamers [Shepherds] - these citizens work with the animals and sell
- Inn Keepers [Inn keepers] - these citizens run inns and taverns
- Fire Forgers [Black Smiths] - these citizens provide blacksmithing
- Weavers [Tailors] - these citizens provide cloth and clothing.
Nuldarian Oath
The following Oath is be turned into the above offices when filling out your paperwork.
I swear to uphold the honor of this Kingdom by my actions. I swear to do all I am asked to the liege of this Kingdom and uphold the values set forth. Lest I do, I shall be taken from this kingdom and fed to the dragons.
Citizen & Establishment Registry
The OCA, WDR, High Court of Nuldar and Citizens are a part of KAoN, a production of Harrison Production™. All rights are reserved and permission is required when copying.