Kingdom Reports

Introduction: It comes time to address that all important yet dreaded task of ghastly paperwork that seems to be neverending within the realms. I must state, that as an Elven scribe to Her Majesty, I do not see what all the complaint is truly about. If one cannot express oneself articulately in words but must reduce himself to the barbaric nature of so many:dwarves, raiders, humans, dragons, orcs, an occasional stray hobbit, your general taven rif raf, well I dare say you should not be serving Her Majesty. That is my own personal thought though, so on to what I have been instructed to place upon these pages for your, help, if you so take it that is.
I know that it is difficult for one to completely understand the need for such reports as many find them mundane, but they are an absolute must within a kingdom of this size and magnitude. We have to be able to track expenditures, work, resources as well as a great deal of things that are truly beyound most and subsequently not really for your ears or eyes, but none the less, it is how things are run. So, without further adieu for now, I shall simply present forth to you, samples of what should be included in your reports. Now, with this said, please do note that as with any of this information I may feel at times necessary to update my thoughts. Be mindful of that and check back regularly to see if there is something new listed. Who knows? You might just find that there has.
Report SamplesReport Deadlines
Enlisted, Citizens due Saturday Nights by 10:00 PM Eastern
Commanders due by Sunday 1:00 PM Eastern
Where to Send
Enlisted, Citizens send to your Legion Commander and Division Commander
[ Though you are always free to send this office a copy]
Commanders and Nobility- This office
If you are a part of the High Court, you will also periodically send in Incident Reports. I shall make sure that each of you have that template when it comes back from the scribe and as you to use it at all times.
Also, this is a template. Your reports are your own. Though I wish the information to be given, format such as stationary and inks are left up to you. Be be creative. [ Just not obnoxious ]. I expect that each section should be at least a good three to four sentences from enlisted and citizens. From the Commanders and Nobility, I expect a good three to four paragraphs, for if you are doing your duties, then there is no reason not to have that is there?
Encampement/Legion [ ex: WDR, Alvanshire ]
Kingdom Activity
Posts Made
Thoughts Upon your Division
Thoughts Upon your Legion
Thoughts Upon Kingdom
Personal Thoughts [ your life, etc. ] OPTIONAL
Citizens must include their earnings
Command Reports
Tell me what you command
Summary of your week
Summary of your encampment and or legion activity
[ If you sent out mail, include in here any copies of the mailing trace. If you are in need from me who in your legion or barony read his mail such as rosters or letters, please just email me. I shall be more then happy to provide you with that. ]
Reflections-How can you be a better leader, issues that came up and you might handle them differently,etc. Reflections are always INTROSPECTIVE.