Knights Alliance of Nuldar

Initial Information & Application Packet
~ Background ~
In a time of civil distress amongst the Realms of a World called RhyDin, many leaders left for other lands to seek peace and wellbeing. To seek for that which was right and just as the days of Avalon. One such leader was that of the late Catriona O'Rogan. She took her people to the lands of Nuldar.
Therefrom within she spent years training them to be the best. To be the knights of Avalon in days gone by. To be the mages of Merlyn, selfless, thoughtful and wise. The wise ones with the wisdom of Gandalf, her mentor and friend.
There came a struggle, as always plagues the just, and Catriona O'Rogan was no more. Gone with the time of her ancestory she left on her throne a young Elven queen, Arabella Alina Cadell, to lead her people. Trained with the wisdom of middle earth she was left a nation to rebuild and a realm to hold in tact against the many foes of the neighboring realms that sought and still seek to destroy all that is wise and just.
Now this young queen leads one small band of those sought for their wisdom, talents and goodness to repopulate Nuldar and expand back into the lands of Rhy'Din As with most kingdoms, though, a military is needed first so that citizens may be brought safely in.
Til that time when peace is secured the Queen of Nuldar seeks those to build the many facets of the armies of Nuldar and the Mages in order to obtain peace and harmony. This is a battle for what it is right, what is good and what is just. Should you wish to be a part then dare to enter the world of Nuldar.
The guilds are built from within, remember this. However the Queen is wise in her ways and knows the value a true alliance, thus outside guilds shall be considered.
Blessed Be and May our god and godess be with you....
Elven Scribe of Nuldar
The Knights Alliance of Nuldar
Alliances ( Kingdom )
Royal Court
"Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers"
A.L.Tennyson, Locksley Hall
Order of the Celestial Abyss-OCA
( Encampment )
{Citizens to come in later}
Division-Order of Celtic Illusions
( Future Encampment )
- Legion of the Celestial Dream
- Legion of the Gryphon's Flight
- Legion of the Dragon's Fire
Division- Order of Epiphany Blooms
( Future Encampment )
- Legion of the Mirage of Lilies
- Legion of the Whispering Falls
- Legion of the Mysts of Avalon
Warriors of the Dragon's Rage (WDR)
( Encampment )
{ Citizens to come in later }
Legion of Alvanshire
- Order of the Shadowed Death (Assassins)
- Order of the Cloak & Dagger (Spies)
Legion of Galvanshire
- Order of Death's Sword (Knights)
Legion of of Elwynnshire
- Order of the Divine Messengers (Priest/ Priestess)
- Order of the Mystic Hand (Mage / Alchemist)
- Order of Divine Healing (Healers)
~ Application~
As the kingdom is not an ordinary one we shall dispense with lengthy
explanations as to how this application is to be filled out. Also, we ask
your patience. To preserve the integrity of this kingdom and build it
from within, we must first bring in the best Commanders in the lands
to place in charge of the various legions within each encampment.
Such encampments are controlled by the Queen of Nuldar. If you have such animosity regarding that, then it is kindly
suggested that you do not apply. The Court of Nuldar would hate
to see anyone suffer with such feelings of hate and not be able to
enjoy his or her said stay.
To explain this clearly, there are four sections for which one may
apply for residence and service. We have two encampments as of
current. Those being the Warriors of the Dragon's Rage (WDR) and
that of the Order of the Celestial Abyss (OCA). We then have the
Royal Court of Nuldar and Citizens; whom are located throughout
the three places of actual housing.
If you wish for a more, shall we say, regimented service, by where
promotion is based upon your merit, work and well, shall I say combat
then the WDR is more then likely best suited for you. (( This is a dice
based guild, with experience given as such. Though, be mindful of the
Kingdom rules. ((Those stated on the web site )).
If you wish for a more, shall we say , regimented service , by where
promotion is based upon merit work and ability to handle your post
as well as your command, then the OCA is more then likely best
suited for you.
If you are non combative and not looking to serve in the military
the following areas are more the likely best suited for your service.
Land Tenders [Farmers] - these citizens work the lands and sell their foods
Beast Tamers [Shepherds] - these citizens work with the animals and sell
Inn Keepers [Inn keepers] - these citizens run inns and taverns
Fire Forgers [Black Smiths] - these citizens provide blacksmithing
Weavers [Tailors] - these citizens provide cloth and clothing.
The following, and most prestigious of such service, is within
the Royal Court itself. There are very few positions, so choose
wisely and beware, the Court takes only the best. This Court is
composed of Advisors, Head Mages, Captain of the Guards, as
well as ladies in waiting and so forth. ( This is a semi dice- semi
free form portion of the KAoN. Dice used will be no greater then
2d40 in accordance to the RGW; as it is for the most elite of the
serious role player. What does this mean? It simply means if you
must rely on dice to simply remove someone from attacking the
Queen whilst she is out and about, then you are not quite the
caliber of role-player that needs to be in such a position of
[[ OOC NOTE: Please simply copy and paste the applications into the respective emails. I know this takes some time and you will have to be a bit creative informatting, but it is worth it in the end. If you are unsure how to do so, ask. Also, check out Writers Inc. on how to create a resume, that is essentially what you are doing. So long as these offices know what your character is applying for ie: OCA, WDR, High Court, etc., we will know where to place you. Take your time with it. Be a bit creative if you wish. You do not need to leave the Name:John Doe etc. on there. If you like, make it look like a real resume. If you go to keyword Resume, you will be able to pull up AOL's help guide. It will show you examples of what a resume looks like and has suggestions for making them better. This will show the kingdom leaders who is serious and whom is not. This is a game, but we wish for only the best. That will be stated not merely in actions but in presentation.
To request service for either military branch, please send in your
service record to the following: (( Please note that this kingdom is interested in the creative role-player. If you cannot come up with a character resume on your own we shall help, but I do not want a thousand IM's asking, where is the application?))
Order of the Celestial Abyss
Warriors of the Dragon's Rage
To request housing as a citizen and register your trade, please
send in your employment status, trade and financial records to
for the past one year to the following:
Nuldarian Citizenship and Establishment Registry
To request service in the Nuldarian Court, please submit your
service records, recommendation letters and honors to the
Nuldarian Royal Court
To request assistance in completing your resume for the Kingdom please contact: (( As stated, I will help any and all whom ask, but the key word is ask. ))
Nuldarian Scribe
The OCA, WDR and all respective towns, cities et. al. is a part of KAoN, a production of Harrison Production™. All rights are
reserved and permission is required when copying.