Knights Alliance of Nuldar Charts

Experience Chart: This is how you as a town leader shall disperse your dice based upon your members experience. Anyone caught giving rediculously high dice shall be automatically terminated.
Note~ Dice are given as follows: 2=Mortal, 3=Halfling, 4=Immortal. Mortal would be human, alien, etc that lives out its normal mortal life. Halfling is any breed that had one immortal parent and one mortal parent. Immortal is either by both immortal parents, sire or magic that allowed one to become immortal.
This kingdom does recognize gods and godesses as immortal but they must take their hits and act accordingly. Meaning, no god or goddess can deny a hit in a spar or war simply because they are a god or goddess. That is powergaming and will not be accepted in this kingdom.
Part One
Part TwoBR> Return to Table of Contents