![]() Please note, all establishments are to turn in 10% of their earnings each month to the Nuldar Minister of Finance.
The gardens are located just south of Her Majesty's palace and used primarily by Her Majesty and Captain of the Guard Nevar de Lancelot. It is home to a variety of rare roses, including Her Majesty's prize black roses of Caldar. She also has her typical assortment of greenary. The gardens are done in the tradition of Versailles so many can be here at once for its enjoyment.
This outpost is also frequented by Her Majesty, as it is on her way to Glen Gyle. It is for anyones use, but it must be warned that there a good many rogues to pass through its doors. It is a rustic setting, with a quaint fireplace, a few well placed desks, tables and a wet bar for weary travelers. The stables outside have enough place to conveniently house a good twelve horses, complete with stable boys to water and care for them as you visit with whomever be there to assist you.
Order of the Celestial Abyss Recruit Hall Order of the Celestial Abyss Recruit Keep Order of the Celestial Abyss Recruit Tower Warriors of the Dragon's Rage Recruit Hall
Bank President-Sir Simon Templar Bank President-Sir Simon Templar Nuldarian Mutual is for all other citizens, soldiers whom need a place to do business with as well.
Prospectus to Follow
This is Her Majesty's choice of stay upon travels and she is seen as a frequenter of their hospitality. [[ OOC-Thanks to the Cross Key Inn for the use of their web site. I know I shall be personally making a stop when I visit next.]] This establishment is for the Nobility of the Kingdom and its Musketeers though we will not throw any out unless rowdy. Just remember, this is their place to relax and they do not take kindly to those with no manners. This being an aristocratic place of leisure it is set up as so. Marble floors of Jade, alabaster table tops, bar top and fireplace mantle, the best of all. Dinners are served on the finest china as well as the drinks in the finest glasses. A quartet serenades your stay as well as the most professional in tavern staff. All weapons are checked at the door and for your pleasure in the back room are billiard tables for the finest of games, as well as a smoking room. This establishment is located on the boarders of Elwynnshire and Rhy'Din. It is meant for those more hearty of soldiers that tend to pass through on their way home from battles, quests, and such for Her Majesty's bidding. it is not all that uncommon to find an Orc or two that make their way in, in chance for a brujah to arise and with this, one has to check his weapons at the door. A simple Inn it is not. It is named so for its illusion inside of radiating colors that are similar to that of the Dragon's Breath. Hues of gold, amber, crimsons and soft whiten ash flourish within its interior. All the Inn's carry the best of all, but this one does tend to get a bit more lively then most. It is also the main conversation place of those that serve within the Warriors of the Dragon's Rage. So, it is theirs first and foremost. This establishment is primarily for those whom serve within the Order of the Celestial Abyss. One shall find this Inn closer to the boarders of the central headquarters of Nuldar in ----shire. It is meant to serve as a place where these group of more mindful action tend to seek refuge. These are more the kind that will favor a battle of wits over the battle of the blade, but do not underestimate them. They will cleave a fly if need be. The ambiance of this Inn is set by the glass cathedral roofs. There are four of them in each corner of the inn, set quietly with a booth beneath each. The persons that occupy these tables can enjoy the night skies and passing of the dragons. There is a summer room located of the back, screened in for those whom wish to lounge in soft air of ---shire. The rest is simplistic in view. Soft jade marble floors, alabaster fireplace, and bar. The lighting set as such to reflect the celestial nature of the Inn. The many paintings, statures and such reflect many an artists take upon the heavens as well as its celestial bodies. In a since, one can enjoy a taste of Eden here.